Knowing Your Financial Options
Facing the task of finding a way to pay for senior residential costs, memory care, or long-term care can be overwhelming. That is why we have partnered with Meridian Senior Living to provide alternative options to funding your residential long-term care and senior living expenses.
At Abacus Life we understand the importance of receiving not just care, but quality care.
Life insurance is often a senior’s most valued asset and one they can use to alleviate retirement costs. Like your home or other personal assets, a life insurance policy is personal property, a living benefit, that has a fair market value. Knowing that value is important. Selling your policy for fair market value is your legal right, and is a viable choice to create more options for your retirement income.
Who is Abacus Life?
Formed in New York’s financial district and now headquartered in Orlando, Abacus Life has been the leading buyer of consumer sold life insurance policies in the U.S. for the last 15 years. With $3 billion in policy face value purchased, we’ve helped thousands and thousands of clients maximize the value of their life insurance. We consistently rank as one of the top firms in total value of policies purchased annually and our shareholders and officers have been leaders in the industry since its inception in the mid 90’s. And at the core of it all you’ll find our clients, our partners and our team
We handle each case individually and will walk you through the entire process, showing the numbers and the numbers behind the numbers. Our approach is to be honest, consistent and transparent at every point, and to bring maximum value to the client