Partner with Abacus Life

Even though life insurance is often an individual’s biggest asset, the vast majority of life insurance policies lapse. 90% of seniors surveyed stated they would have considered selling all or a portion of their life insurance policy had they known it was an option they could even consider. As higher numbers of Americans are entering retirement age, that awareness becomes increasingly more important.
As one of the largest vertically integrated providers in the industry, Abacus Life has created a thoroughly consistent and transparent approach to determine the valuation of a policy. From APS retrievals and life expectancy evaluations, to pre-pricing and direct purchasing, we support the entire buying process and will walk you and your client through every step of the way.

Free quote in 24 hours

Pricing is as seamless as providing an illustration and a summary of the client’s medical history. An offer is typically generated in less than 24 hours.

Simplified underwriting

A brief 20-minute confidential call with a professional underwriter followed by analysis and evaluation means your client will receive their offer in a fraction of the time.

Streamlined contracting

Abacus has streamlined the process, reducing contract processing by 30% and ensuring funds to your client with no delays.

Institutional capital

Abacus is one of the largest investors in the industry, with $3 billion in policies purchased over the last 15 years.

Turn-key solution

We offer a full turn-key solution, including medical records retrieval, illustration requests, and licensing support. There are no middle men and we charge no intermediary fees.



Become appointed with Abacus Life and
receive downline protection and white-label marketing materials, Additionally, Abacus provides $5M E&O coverage, full back-office support and online tools for your producers to submit a case.


At Abacus, we streamline the settlement process with 24-hour offers, zero intermediary fees, and unsurpassed customer service.


Launch: We schedule a call with Abacus President & CEO and your firm’s Regional Representatives
Train: Abacus will host a Webinar for all producers under your umbrella discussing life insurance


  • Training Follow Up: We will continue to direct and educate your producers about life insurance options on your behalf with specialized marketing material


  • Road Show: Abacus will visit your Producer’s offices on your behalf for in person training

CASE STUDY: Premium Finance


Product: Phoenix Accumulator with ROP

Face Value: $17,500,000

Premium Finance Details

    • Loan Amount – $7,405,000
    • Policy CSV – $5,217,638
    • Loan Shortfall – $2,187,362


The insured’s policy began to underperform due to COI in-creases and low interest earned in the CSV. The loan was upside down by $2,187,362, tying up large amounts of the owner’s assets as collateral. Additionally, the carrier rating dropped to C+, concerning the lender.


Abacus helped the insured pay the full $7,405,000 loan balance and the insured received a substantial profit over the loan. Abacus freed the owners collateral and they collected an additional $426,000 in proceeds, creating a $2.5M asset swing for the owner in just 30 days.


1. Search your client list for:

    • Phoenix Accumulator with ROP
    • Males over age 75 and Females over age 78

2. Send Abacus a current illustration to age 100 Abacus will send you a policy valuation the same day.

At Abacus Life, we want to provide the information your client deserves, so they can decide if selling a policy, or a portion of it, is right for them. We handle each case individually and will walk you and your client through the entire process, showing the numbers and the numbers behind the numbers — all policy valuations, underwriting, costs and returns — so they can make the most informed decision for their financial future.


[email protected]
