Severe medical conditions like cancer can put a tremendous burden on your family’s financial health. The primary reason why you invested in a life insurance policy was to help your family if you happened to pass away. Fortunately, it is likely that now your children are grown and out of the house, but you are in need of financial assistance. This is where a Abacus comes into play. By choosing to sell your current life insurance policy, you can get the cash you need to alleviate these financial burdens, caused by cancer treatments. These times are already hard enough; don’t let finances aid your struggles. Abacus Life can help you.
Secure a life settlement as quickly as 7 days after initially contacting Abacus. We pride ourselves on being ahead of the industry standard of 45-60 days for life-saving treatment. A life settlement allows you to focus on what is most important right now…healing. We care deeply for our clients and want them to heal without any inner worry. We want to help you succeed.
If you would like to learn more about the life settlement option, you can call us directly at 1-800-561-4148 or visit the Abacus Life Learning Center for a thorough guide about what a life settlement is, and what the process looks like. We have perfected this process, so it can be as painless as possible for you, especially during these times. We are here for you.