You Don’t Qualify for a Settlement, But Abacus Can Still Help

While you may not currently meet the qualifications for a life settlement, there are some other alternatives that are likely better suited to your unique situation. You may benefit from replacing your coverage with a policy that better aligns with your current needs. We specialize in educating our clients, and helping to identify ALL of their options; not only those related to a life settlement. Read below to see how Abacus can potentially help lower your premiums, and help you plan for the future with an annuity or LTC (long-term care) rider for your existing coverage.

Why Should You Replace Your Coverage?

Free Policy Review for Unqualified Policies | Things to Consider:

Getting started

When is the last time you reviewed your life insurance policy? It is important to review your policy on a regular basis to ensure it is best covering your needs.

Why should you replace coverage?

Over time, your needs inevitably change. Therefore, your insurance coverage should reflect these changes. Seeking out different coverage that is better catered to your current lifestyle needs, or adding additional riders to your current policy, may be a better solution.

Have you had any recent life changes?

Since originally obtaining your policy, have you experienced any major life changes? Like a change in income or marital status, experienced an accident, started a new business, welcomed a grandchild, etc.?

Does your current policy provide adequate coverage for your current needs?

Considering recent changes in your life, does your current policy cover all your needs? Would you like to conduct a free policy review to see if there is an alternate policy option or policy rider that could better suit your current situation?

Get a free policy review!

Choose a time for us to call and walk you through a free policy review! We will review your current policy, and if applicable, propose new outlets to ensure you are best covered!

Schedule a Brief Call to Review Coverage and See Options